Minnesota State Fair Show

*IMPORTANT*: The club membership lists must have been submitted directly to WSCA online by the member clubs by May 31st. After that deadline, there is a late membership procedure. Contact the WSCA Executive Secretary to find out more about the late membership procedure. The late membership procedure will allow a club to add members to the club membership so that they will be eligible for the WSCA Championship Show. Adding members through the late membership process WILL NOT allow clubs to have those late members be eligible for that year’s WSCA classes at the MN State Fair. The club membership lists are submitted directly to the State Fair Office shortly after the May 31st deadline. The State Fair Office does not allow any additions to the list that WSCA has on file at that time. Therefore, it is very important that the clubs have ensured the accuracy of their membership lists by May 31st for their members interested in showing at the MN State Fair.

*IMPORTANT*:  The qualifications listed for each entry on the State Fair entry form (WSCA classes) must be an accurate qualification.  If the qualification is not a valid or accurate qualification to match the entry, the entry will be null and void.  This means that the entrant will not be allowed to change the information on the entry form nor be entered in the class involving an invalid or inaccurate qualification.  Questions on this should be directed to the WSCA Secretary.

State Fair Qualifications – 2015-2016

MN State Fair Western Horse Show

Map of MN State Fairgrounds

WSCA Secretary:
Leslie Mason
15128 240th St.,
Scandia, MN 55073
651-724-3421 • secretary@wsca.org
Qualifications Coordinator:
Evelyn Morehouse
4495 Kanabec Ave South
New Prague MN 56071
507-744-4712 • qualifications@wsca.org
Spotlight Subscriptions & Advertising:
Herald Journal Publishing ATTN: WSCA
PO Box 129, Winsted, MN 55395
320-485-2535 • Fax: 320-485-2878
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by Herald Journal Publishing